Saturday, July 20, 2013

2013 Schedule

July 10, 2013 at 7:24pm

3 Days of Free Music & FUN!

Friday, August 2:
 Harper's Mae @ Jocie's Porch, 1:00-3:00
 Phillip Albert @ Roosevelt Campobello International Park, refreshments served, 3:00-5:00
 JDRF BBQ @ Herring Cove Provincial Park, 5:00-6:00
 Ryan LeBlanc @ Herring Cove Clubhouse Restaurant for Happy Hour, 6:00-8:00
 Gary Cook & Friends @ Herring Cove Provincial Park, 8:00-10:00
 Fireworks! (Fog dates of Saturday and Sunday) @ Mulholland Point, 10:00

Saturday, August 3:
Brian Flynn @ the Campobello Island Public Library and Museum, 12:00-1:00 (the Library's 7th Annual Summer Gala runs 12:00-6:00 and includes a BBQ, Author readings, Crafts & used Book Sale!
Jordan Jones & Torin Jones @ Jocie's Porch, 1:00-3:00
Summerkeys - Eve Friedman, Suzanne Gilchrest, Winslow Browning @ Roosevelt Campobello International Park, refreshments served, 3:00-5:00
 Supper provided by the Wilson's Beach Cemetary Committee @ Herring Cove Provincial Park, 5:00-6:00
 Jason Haywood @ Herring Cove Clubhouse for Happy Hour, 6:00-8:00
 Halloween in August @ Herring Cove Provincial Park, refreshments provided by the Campobello Food Bank, 6:00-8:00
David R. Elliot & Mike Trask @ Herring Cove Provincial Park, 8:00-10:00
Fog Walk @ Herring Cove Provincial Park, 9:00

Sunday, August 4:  *All events at Herring Cove Provincial Park - Main Stage.* Refreshments throughout the day provided by the Class of 2016.
Harper's Mae, 12:00-1:00
Fried Dough Lunch provided by the Class of 2014, 12:00-1:00
The Ray Finkles, 1:00-2:30
Adam Olmstead & Band, 2:30-4:00
Jason Haywood, 4:00-5:30
Gospel Music and Fish Chowder Supper provided by Edith Lank Memorial Christian Camp, 5:00-6:00
The Kendra Gale Band, 6:00-8:00

Monday, July 15, 2013

Heat Wave Over Campobello

Never have we experienced temperatures above 40C (100F) but today it happened, and it is not yet over: Further heat is building up tomorrow. Facebook messages are full of : “I’m down on the floor” or “I refreshed myself under the garden hose” or “HELP…I’m melting”.  I mean this place is generally known to be of the cooler kind – actually the reason why many Floridians find their way up here. Well, these days they won’t find much refreshment, unless they jump into the still cold ocean. I tried the “trick” with the garden hose myself, but found out that the water was too hot on the body – until most of the solar-heated water had gone. Afterwards I sat down on our shady porch in hope to catch a breeze, which there was extremely little of. Wouldn’t be surprised to see the whales hopping out of the water in pure desperation.

Didn’t get around to take any pics – it was just too strenuous to achieve.

image Facing this heat it sounds like a cooling breeze to think of the 1. Annual Campobello Fog Fest coming up on August 2-4. FOG FEST??  Yep, we are gonna have fog fest soon.  If you like music, just come on over. There’ll be lots of good food as well.

And now I will retire for today. After all it’s Monday – time to look forward to next weekend.